Saturday, July 07, 2007

Katherine Jenkins @ Tower Festival

So I've been a bit quiet lately. This isn't because I'm a lazy sod but because I'v been focusing on a few competitions just recently. I remember entering a photography competition a long time ago but didn't get very far in it so didn't really get the urge to go for any more. However, after a good few years and just about everyday since taking doing something that involves my camera's, I've finally decided to enter some compo's again and see how far I can get.

I feel that although there is room for improvement I'm not that bad and should do OK out of it eventually. Besides it's good practise for me and teaches me to use different settings to what I would usually use in the concert photography. So I'll start a new gallery option to feature the contest entries and you people can look and judge for yourselves.

Anyway, back to the real world! This week I got called to go shoot the lovely Katherine Jenkins the Welsh Soprano singer at The Tower of London Festival, in London (funnily enough). I haven't shot anyone from the operatic/classical market as yet, so didn't really know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got there as the orchestra warmed up against a wonderful red curtained backdrop. When Katherine joined the stage looking rather amazing I felt quite blown away. She really did look fantastic in a long flowing ball gown, sparkling from top to toe. I don't feel pushed to rush out and buy a Katherine Jenkins CD as I do sometimes at the rock gigs, but I won't complain about this one as it was quite a relaxing affair.

I'm off to Twickenham on Sunday to shoot GENESIS as they reach the UK on this tour. I'm really looking forward to this show as my mum is a massive fan. My dad is a STATUS QUO fan so it felt good to tell him that I'd shot them twice. I'm still meant to be printing the pictures off for the old boy, but just keep forgetting! I'll get round to doing this one day, I promise dad...


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