Athlete and Paul anka..

Firstly I went to photograph the mighty Athlete this week at KOKO where they were performing to advertise the release of the forthcoming album. I have to say that this was quite ace. I do like Athlete, and this week I've re-inserted the two albums that I own into my trustee car stezza to catch up on the music and lyrics ready to sing along... Well, for all you gig snappers out there you will all know that singing along isn't really on the cards. I tend to bury myself in the work aspect of this job and kind of don't really hear the music (as silly as that sounds as I'm all of 1/2 a foot away from ten massive speakers). However, the small, pretty young photographer whom seemed to be following me around the pit didn't have this problem. I feel that she may have been a fan in disguise and boy, could she scream!!! I would usually complain to you all at this point as I do tend to feel that this is a bit rude when every other fan had to cough up to get in there, and she seemed to use the camera as an excuse to get that few inches closer to the stars, but I actually spent most of the time in the small pit laughing at this. It was kind of like visiting a Magic Roundabout show and being harassed by Zebedee!
Anyway, enough of my boinging pal, and on to the second show I need to catch up on: Paul Anka. This is a wonderful fellow, sort of famed for penning hits for Frank Sinatra among others. He was excellent. I must now point out that here I do actually mean that he was excellent as a subject to shoot, as opposed to whatever was coming out from between his lips. I loved this gig as the lighting was fantastic, the guy posed, pointed, winked and whatever else it was that he did to make a good picture. Actually, now I come to think of it, the music was good too. I know I just wrote that I don't listen to it, but when the songs are longer, and the subject is much much slower, the picture taking process is so much easier. So, I banged off a bunch during the first and second, and then took it a bit easier for the rest of the set. Besides, we actually got four songs for the event 'cos he sung the first from the audience and we weren't allowed to shoot this song for some reason.
So there are two of the shows this week. Tonight I shot Dave Stewert from The Eurythmics. I'll go make a cuppa and then tell you all about it...
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