November AND December issue...

In November returned to the life of the music photographer and went along to the small venue of The Hard Rock Cafe and had a couple of songs with Wet Wet Wet. At the gig one of the other snappers told me of the ordeals the Marti Pellow has had with the skag, so to see him, or should I say them, in the flesh and not a sniff of herbal remedy was a good start. I must say that they were very good at what they do and Marti really does know how to hold the notes.
I don't really like the Hard Rock because it's way too small and personal for me to breathe in. Still nevermind I did get some good pics, although they are still awaiting even a look by the national press...
Now then, where else has the special one played (my camera, that is): Well, I tend to get everywhere with my camera equipment so this could be tricky.
I did buy a macro lens at last, and set about taking pictures of anything in my back garden as close as I could. I took the dandilion shot at around midday so light is obviously not really something I need worry about, which would be great cos I'm sick of getting up whilst it's still dark just to see if the sky looks good for a nice sunrise shot.

Good lord, you know I tend to keep myself at the most busiest of spectrums so find it hard to get the time to update this blog, but I hope you do enjoy when I do. Enjoy my shots, and I'll try to update again soon.