Chilly month
Well, it's been a nice couple of months to date. I've been out and about with the lens' to continue my quest to locate those awe inspiring images to take.

I've put on show these two photo's I took in the month of Febuary, one of which being this shot of Tower Bridge. I tend to pass the landmarks of London so frequently that I tend to forget that they are even there. This particular day I decided to get off my arse and out of my car to capture the quite magnificent features during the sunset. I didn't have an awful lot of time so couldn't spend as much time as I'd have liked to have but I hiked for long enough to find the right viewpoint to get both the Tower and the city area in the background, I'm rather pleased with the result. I also got roped into taking a picture of a couple of Londons tourists during my brief visit, I'm sure that they didn't mind me
chopping there heads off in the frame...

During a cross countryside trek in Kent with 'er indoors I caught sight of this Kite slinger playing with his wares on the crest of one of the counties hilltops. I, much to the anger of 'er, went on the trail for a good picture in his direction. I caught the kite as it flew passed me with the flyer in the background. He seemed like a nice chap and gave me permission to send the pics to Alamy. Nice guy.